Consolidated statement of changes in equity
for the year ended June 30
2017 R’000 |
2016 R’000 |
Equity attributable to shareholders of the company | 23 548 214 | 24 080 624 | |||||
Stated capital | 5 428 016 | 5 428 016 | |||||
Balance at beginning of year | 5 428 016 | # | |||||
Shares issued during the year | – | 5 428 016 | |||||
Treasury shares | (795 187) | (949 731) | |||||
Balance at beginning of year | (949 731) | – | |||||
Shares disposed of in terms of share incentive schemes | 154 544 | 12 420 | |||||
Transfer as a result from unbundling | – | (962 151) | |||||
Foreign currency translation reserve | 4 318 272 | 7 111 926 | |||||
Balance at beginning of year | 7 111 926 | 4 852 891 | |||||
Movement during the year | (2 793 654) | 2 256 344 | |||||
Realisation of reserve on disposal of subsidiaries | – | 2 691 | |||||
Hedging reserve | 1 338 | – | |||||
Balance at beginning of year | – | (3 308) | |||||
Fair value gains incurred during the year | 1 652 | 607 | |||||
Deferred taxation recognised directly in reserve | (314) | 2 701 | |||||
Equity-settled share-based payment reserve | 20 914 | (2 025) | |||||
Balance at beginning of year | (2 025) | 54 857 | |||||
Arising during current year | 97 569 | 48 653 | |||||
Deferred taxation recognised directly in reserve | 22 824 | 27 776 | |||||
Utilisation during the year | (154 544) | (133 660) | |||||
Transfer as a result from unbundling | – | (28 947) | |||||
Transfer to retained earnings | 57 090 | 29 296 | |||||
Movement in retained earnings | 14 574 861 | 12 492 438 | |||||
Balance at beginning of year | 12 492 438 | 12 778 926 | |||||
Attributable profit | 4 008 287 | 3 279 576 | |||||
Net remeasurement of defined benefit obligations during the year | 6 010 | (47 882) | |||||
Remeasurement of puttable option during the year | (48 076) | – | |||||
Dividends paid | (1 646 835) | (537 283) | |||||
Transfers of reserves as a result of changes in shareholding of subsidiaries | (121 790) | – | |||||
Transfers of subsidiaries under common control | (29 924) | (2 973 047) | |||||
Transfer from unbundling for share-based payments | – | 28 947 | |||||
Transfer of reserves from non-controlling interests of the company | (28 159) | (7 503) | |||||
Transfer from equity-settled share-based payment reserve | (57 090) | (29 296) | |||||
Equity attributable to non-controlling interests of the company | 123 306 | 136 950 | |||||
Balance at beginning of year | 136 950 | 65 946 | |||||
Other comprehensive income | 14 918 | 47 971 | |||||
Attributable profit | 23 594 | 40 468 | |||||
Movement in foreign currency translation reserve | (8 676) | 7 503 | |||||
Dividends paid | (15 758) | (13 140) | |||||
Share of movement on other reserves | (1 424) | (253) | |||||
Changes in shareholding | 80 293 | 73 623 | |||||
Transfer to puttable non-controlling interest liability | (119 832) | (44 700) | |||||
Transfer to retained earnings | 28 159 | 7 503 | |||||
Total equity | 23 671 520 | 24 217 574 | |||||
# Amount below R1 000.